Why EV Charging Infrastructure is the Future of Hotels

The Green Hospitality Revolution: Why EV Charging Infrastructure is the Future of Hotels

Are you ready to pack your bags and hit the road again? As travel slowly resumes, hospitality providers look for innovative ways to cater to their guests’ needs. With the rising demand for sustainable options, eco-friendly facilities have become crucial in attracting and retaining customers.

Hotels worldwide are embracing The Green Hospitality Revolution, and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is at its forefront. This blog post will explore why EV charging infrastructure is essential for hotels striving towards a greener future. So buckle up and join us as we embark on this exciting journey towards sustainability!

Introduction to EVs and EV Charging Infrastructure

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, hoteliers must be prepared with the proper EV charging infrastructure. EVs are more efficient than gas-powered cars and emit no tailpipe pollution, making them a vital part of the fight against climate change.

There are many different EV chargers, and the best type for your hotel will depend on your specific needs.

Many utilities offer rebates for EVs and EV charging infrastructure, and federal and state tax credits are available. Additionally, guests who charge their EVs at your hotel will likely stay longer and spend more money, so investing in EV charging infrastructure can be a great way to boost your bottom line.

Benefits of Investing in EV Charging Infrastructure for Hotels

Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is becoming an increasingly popular hotel amenity. There are many benefits to investing in EV charging infrastructure, including attracting environmentally-conscious guests, reducing the hotel’s carbon footprint, and improving the property’s bottom line.

EVs are growing in popularity—sales of EVs in the United States increased by 37% in 2017 alone1—and hotel guests are increasingly interested in having access to charging stations while they travel.

A survey conducted by J.D. Power found that nearly half of EV owners would be more likely to stay at a hotel that offered EV charging and that one-third of non-EV owners would be more likely to stay at a hotel with charging stations2.

In addition to reducing the property’s carbon footprint, installing EV chargers can help a hotel earn green certifications and accolades—such as LEED or Green Key certification—that attract eco-conscious guests and improve the property’s overall reputation.

What Does a “Green” Hotel Mean?

When we think of sustainability in the hospitality industry, electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is often one of the first things that comes to mind. And for good reason – according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the tourism sector is responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The transportation sector accounts for many of these emissions, and hotels significantly contribute to this problem. Hotel guests account for about 20% of all light-duty vehicle miles in the United States annually.

If we significantly reduce our environmental footprint, hotels must act to green their operations. One way they can do this is by investing in EV charging infrastructure.

There are many benefits of doing so, including:

  • Saving money: Electric vehicles are cheaper to operate and maintain than gas-powered cars, which can save hotel guests money.
  • Improving air quality: EVs produce no tailpipe emissions, improving air quality inside and outside the hotel.
  • Creating a marketing opportunity: Hotels that offer EV charging infrastructure can market themselves as being environmentally friendly and sustainable, which can attract eco-conscious travelers.

How to Prepare for Implementing EV Charging Infrastructure in Your Hotel

As the hotel industry looks to become more sustainable, electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is becoming an increasingly popular option for hotels looking to go green.
Here are a few tips on how to prepare for implementing EV charging infrastructure in your hotel:

  1. Determine your EV charging needs. The first step is to assess your hotel’s EV charging needs. How many EVs do you expect to charge at your hotel? Will you need one charger per guest room, or will communal chargers be sufficient?
  2. Select the right location for your chargers. Once you know how many chargers you need, you must select the correct location(s) for them. Chargers should be located conveniently for guests and have easy access to an electrical power source.
  3. Work with a qualified electrician. Installing EV chargers requires the expertise of a qualified electrician. Be sure to work with an electrician who has experience installing EV chargers and is familiar with the relevant electrical codes and standards.

Examples of Hotels with EV Charging Infrastructure

As the world becomes more conscious of the need to reduce its carbon footprint, businesses in the hospitality industry are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. One of the most critical ways hotels can go green is by investing in electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. There are many reasons why EV charging infrastructure is a wise investment for hotels.

Challenges That Could Arise from Investing in an EV Charging Infrastructure

As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) grows, so does the need for reliable and accessible EV charging infrastructure. While investing in an EV charging infrastructure can offer many benefits to hotels, a few challenges could arise.

One challenge is the upfront cost of investment. Chargers can be expensive, and hotels will need to factor in the price of installation, maintenance, and repairs when considering whether or not to invest in an EV charger infrastructure.

Another potential challenge is finding the right location for chargers. To provide guests with convenient access to charging stations, hotels must carefully consider the placement of chargers within their property. There may also be zoning or permit requirements that need to be met to install chargers on hotel property.

It is also essential to consider how an EV charger infrastructure will impact the hotel’s existing electrical system. EVs require more power than traditional gas-powered vehicles, so hotels must ensure that their electrical system can handle the additional load. This may require upgrading existing electrical panels or installing new ones altogether.

Hotels will want to assess whether many guests own EVs or are interested in renting EVs while staying at the hotel. It is worth considering whether or not there is enough demand from guests to justify investing in an EV charger infrastructure. If there is insufficient demand, investing in an EV charger infrastructure may not make financial sense for the hotel.

Why Choose us?

The green hospitality revolution is here, and EV charging infrastructure will be the future of hotels. With an increasing shift towards a more sustainable travel industry, eco-friendly solutions are becoming the norm, and this means that it is essential for hotels to start investing in electric vehicle charging on their properties if they wish to stay competitive.

As environmental awareness increases, hotel chains should consider offering guests free or discounted access to these services as a value-added incentive and part of their green commitment. Ultimately, everyone wins when we embrace environmentally conscious gestures such as EV charging infrastructure – hotels can save money through reduced energy costs while helping our planet in the process!


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