Best Books on Electric Vehicles worth a look!

Best Books on Electric Vehicles worth a look!

A few years back, electric vehicles were not so popular in the automobile industry, and one could count the number of EVs and plug-in hybrid cars on one hand. But today, the demand for electric vehicles is booming the sales of EVs will flourish, exceeding the current sale rate. However, several EV models are available from different manufacturers, providing a new array of styles, shapes, price ranges, and powers to fulfill various customer needs.

If you have an EV enthusiast and a lover of electric vehicles, here are some top books on electric cars so that readers can dig deeper into your understanding of the EV world. These books will provide an amusing read to anyone curious about EVs.

Top Books on Electric vehicles for any EV Enthusiast

Electric vehicles are now to stay and exceed the demand in the automobile industry. Manufacturers like Nissan and Toyota strongly consider that there are a stable and consistent future in electric vehicles and have invested heavily in the evolution of the EV models.

Thus, it is a great idea to expand your knowledge of EVs by studying books and plugging into the body of creation, expedition to fiction, and motivating life stories of well-known reputations in the world of electric vehicles, both from the past and present. Here is the list of the books:

Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future

The book highlights crucial facts on the creation and development of the two companies cited in the title, Tesla and SpaceX. Elon Musk is the co-founder of Tesla Motors, a prominent EV manufacturer and clean energy enterprise, and founder of SpaceX. The company aspires to recede the cost of space transportation.

The author of the book: Ashlee Vance is a well-known American business columnist and writer. He has won awards for his books and is a technology reporter. He has worked with The Economist and The New York Times and has been an award-winning feature author with Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine.

The Electric vehicle Conversion Handbook

It is possible to become efficient by turning petrol or gas-powered vehicle into electric vehicles. It sounds challenging and complicated, but this book makes readers believe it is possible by making the slightest changes to automobile usage. This book is a complete guide to transforming an internal combustion-powered vehicle into an electric car. It also highlights the benefits of an electric vehicle, the fundamental operations of electric cars, their customization, subsystems and components, repairing, and maintenance of EVs.

The author of the book: Mark J. Warner is a well-known wellness writer, a public speaker, a private-industry advisor, and an award-winning educator.

My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, born in 1857, was a famous revolutionary scientist who brought several significant discoveries and inventions to the infinite world of electricity and magnetism. He has achieved many names of legendary visionary creations under his name, including the radio, robotics, wireless energy, and many others.

This book by Sir Nikola Tesla, “My Inventions,” gives knowledge about his life and the different myths related to it. He discussed all the significant discoveries and inventions, such as the Tesla coil, the magnifying transmitter, and the rotation field.

DIY Lithium Batteries: How to Build Your Own Battery Packs

This Amozon’s best-selling book gives an out-and-out idea of how the general public can save money and the environment by switching to electric vehicles. It tells readers about DIY lithium batteries and wraps everything that starts from all the various types of lithium battery cells to theory on pack invention and connection techniques.

The author of the book:

Micah Toll is a qualified mechanical engineer, has a deep enthusiasm for electric vehicles, and is known for his expertise in batteries. He has several bestselling books like The Ultimate DIY Ebike Guide, DIY Solar Power, and Electric Motorcycles 2019.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

Students keen to learn about electric vehicles and pursue Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering can read this book by A.K. Babu. It provides deep-dyed knowledge on hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), fundamentals of electric vehicles (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). It will offer readers a good head-start in the field of electric vehicles. The book reviews the superiority of the existing models of hybrid and electric cars, including the powertrain solutions employed by the major automakers. Other distinct topics, like price, performance, installation, safety, control measures, and longevity of battery systems for electric vehicles (EVs), attracted the viewers’ attention and gained great publicity. It includes nickel-metal hydride batteries and Li-ion batteries.

The author of the book: A.K.Babu is an expert engineer holding an M.E. degree in Automobile Engineering from Anna University, Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), with deep-dyed expertise of eighteen years in research, teaching, and industry. His experience has also helped in other countries like Ethiopia, Malaysia, and Eritrea. He is committed to researching and studying conventional fuels for Internal Combustion Engines.

Other significant writings that can inspire readers to expand their knowledge of electric vehicles are as follows:


So far, the revolution of electric vehicles has developed and has become one of the most highlighted subjects in reality. Battery-powered automobiles have come into existence, bringing several advantages to the users and the environment. The general public noticed, revived, and spread the revolution of EVs all over the globe. With the time intervals, the demand for electric vehicles in the market is exceeding the trends and sale rates.

This generation needs a trustworthy source of information to navigate the booming world of electric vehicles. So, this article has cited the top six books on electric vehicles for every future optimist, which are worth reading.


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